Happy New Year


RJIC wishes you a lot of joy and happiness during this holiday season. May the upcoming year will be full of new achievements that will bring you a huge success. Happy New Year.


Thanks & Regards

Pyush Jindal
MD- RJ Industrial Corporation

Electrical Engineering, IIT, Roorkee
FIE , Institution of Engineers
Certified Chartered Engineer,

1-2, Industrial Estate, Roorkee-247667
(M): +91-9897049494, (O): +91-1332-268223,265307,265308
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/pyush-jindal-8a2a82201/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pyush.jindal.16/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JindalPyush Skype : PyushJindal


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